Two Thumbs Up!
It is universally agreed that Spencer is one cute baby (of course, what kind of person would say otherwise about any baby?), and of course, we absolutely agree. Speaking of thumbs, Spencer found his yesterday (April 22), although very awkwardly. Once he has escaped his swaddle, and if he's hungry, he'll start sucking on anything. At first, it was cute because he was sucking where his thumb would be. In other words, he hadn't yet been able to stick his thumb out, instead having it curled inside his hand. So when he tried to suck, he was really sucking his hand, not his thumb. All that changed, when after many tries, he got his thumb inside his mouth. Now, it's not the normal way a baby sucks his thumb, as he has his hand upside down as he sucks on his thumb. I would try to get a picture of it but I'm trying to discourage the behavior (for now). Alas, Spencer is winning most of the battles :-)
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