Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Coincidences & Dreams

About the first day or so at home from the hospital, we were putting mittens (well, socks since the mittens kept falling off) on Spencer. So with Linh holding him, I asked him to raise his hand. And he did. So I put the sock on and we laughed. Then I asked him to raise his other hand. Pause - nothing. Okay, good. But then he raised his other hand. Nervous laughter. Do you ever have that dream (or nightmare) where after your baby is born, the baby starts talking to you? That's what it felt like. I didn't tempt it further by asking him to do anything else, because at two instances, it's just a weird coincidence that we can joke about. I don't think we could handle it if he obeyed a third consecutive command.

1 comment:

Bernice said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!