Monday, July 2, 2007

Double the Size, Double the Fun

Today (7/2), our trip to the doctor confirmed that Spencer has now doubled his birth weight (6 lbs, 0.5 oz) and is now 12 pounds and 6 ounces, which is the 75th percentile. He is also 23 1/2 inches, gaining 4 1/4 inches since birth and at the 50th percentile. And again, despite our questions (dry scalp -> baby oil, back rash -> different detergent, thick legs/bowl leg? -> Nope), the doctor said Spencer is very healthy and she'll see him two months. Of course, Linh has taken him in twice in-between visits, once for a rash/baby pimples and once to confirm that he is indeed teething. So our doctor was asking if Spencer is socially smiling and/or talking and as if on cue, Spencer started cooing and smiling in Linh's arms. Then the doctor put Spencer on the table as she needed to take a look at his back "rash" and put turned him on his stomach. So Spencer frantically starts moving his body and legs as if he's trying to crawl (his arms still aren't coordinated yet so he doesn't get very far), impressing our doctor who said he was very active at 11 weeks. Spencer was either trying to show off... or trying to escape.

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