Sunday, July 8, 2007

At 9:41 AM, Spencer Eats...

We just put Spencer to bed and I'm amazed how he just falls asleep (well, some of the time). We (er, Linh) have worked really hard in putting Spencer on a schedule (for eating, playing, bath, napping, and bedtime) the past couple months. Before, we would need to make sure Spencer was sleeping before we put him in the bassinet. But now, when he's drowsy, and it's a naptime/bedtime, you can just put him down (with or without a pacifier) and he will soothe himself to sleep (most of the time). Linh was reading a couple of books about putting your baby on a schedule and I was skeptical, especially for an infant. I mean, how does the infant know that this is his time to sleep? But sure enough, we are seeing the fruits of our labor.
Daddy: I don't... I don't believe it.
Mommy: That is why you fail.

1 comment:

Van Phung said...

He's just too cute! Cute little pinchable cheeks. I can't wait till he can support his head and then start crawling. So cute!