Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Granddaddy of Them All

Sunday (4/29) we took Spencer for his third ride, this time to the Tamashiro's home for a family gathering with my parents and my brother and his wife. Again, he behaved himself for the most part although the grandparents did get to see him cry for a while (so they know we aren't exaggerating when we tell the tales of the late night theatrics!). For some reason, my brother and brother-in-law are afraid to hold him. But Sunday, we were able to force my brother into holding him, the precious boy Spencer is. We'll work on Linh's brother later.

This was also the last time Grandpa would be able to hold/swing Spencer for a while. Grandpa had scheduled major surgery today (purposely a couple weeks after the Spencer's anticipated due date) and he went through it without any complications and is doing fine, thank goodness. Hopefully, his recovery will be just as smooth. I don't think we'll be taking Spencer to the hospital (where Dad will be til the end of the week), but when Spencer gets into his crying fits, I'll give Dad a call so he can hear him :-) When he is released from the hospital, he still won't be able to keep up with Spencer, who is moving more and more, and my dad needs to rest and not do any sudden movements - and with Spencer, at any time, he could try to fidget out of your arms. This afternoon, he knocked my glasses off my face. I don't think he knows how to enjoy doing that yet, so that's good news. Of course, while my dad will have to be content with just watching (and hearing) his grandson for a month or so, I will lose two people to change diapers as my mom will be taking care of my dad.

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