First Fever & Road Trip

A couple days ago (9/12) Spencer got his 4-month shots (even though he is almost 5 months old). He was moving around the table but he got through the shots okay. He's very strong. The nurse goes quickly and it was like last time, four quick shots, two in each leg plus the oral vaccination.
This time, however, Spencer developed a fever that reached 102.9 F the next day (9/13) but with some Baby Tylenol, he was fine that night (thank goodness). When Linh called the doctor, it was bring him in if it reaches 104!!! That's pretty high and luckily the fever passed quickly (though it never feels quickly as a parent).
I had a meeting for IEEE in San Diego (where some of my friends finally got to meet Spencer) so we spent Saturday in San Diego for our anniversary (6 years!).
So I took the Amtrak from Fullerton to San Diego, my first time on Amtrak. Lesson learned: there is only a small parking structure in Fullerton where you can park overnight (up to 3 days). Because of this, I missed my train and my business class seat (Amtrak automatically refunds your money! Don't you wish airlines did that?). Eventually, a spot miraculously open
ed up and I parked there. The next train did not have any business class seats left so I was dreading the ride. It was sort of full when the train got there (15 min late) and picked a seat on the aisle. However, after the first stop people got off so I snagged an exit row seat! This had tons of leg room, I was by myself (no one sat next to me and it wasn't because I didn't shower that morning), and it had electrical plugs (for my laptop). Actually, the car was soon pretty empty. So I make my way to the "dining" car where the refreshments are and when I got to the Business Class car, it was 100% full and not as much legroom (though you do get refreshments for free). So not only did I get the better and more comfortable seat, I paid $12 less ($20 one-way, $32 for business class).
Linh drove with Spencer Friday night after he went to sleep and got to the hotel. So Spencer slept in his first hotel bed (not including the hospital he was born at, which was like a well-run hotel). Linh was like Mr. & Mrs. Howell, bringing like six bags for a one-night stay. So we'll have to get better at packing, I'm sure. Aunty Van and Sam came over and took us to this amazing dessert place called Extraordinary Desserts. 
They really excel in presentation. You have to remember what you want in the display window when you sit down because the menu only has specials/seasonal listings. I had to go back and find out what I wanted (don't ask me now, just some chocolate chocolate truffle something (Truffe Framboise?)). It was good but I think others made better choices than I did. So this was one day Spencer got to stay up way past his bedtime.
1 comment:
You might've gotten it right! "Framboise" (from-buah) is french for raspberry.
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